Transient Students

A transient student, also known as a visiting or non-degree student, refers to an individual who enrolls in courses at a college or university with the intention of earning credit without pursuing a degree from that institution.

View our course schedule and earn credits towards your degree at an affordable price.

Program Index

Transient Student Steps to Enroll

STEP 1: Complete and submit your admission application at

Visit to apply for admission. Allow 3-5 business days for processing.

STEP 2: Submit all official college transcripts

Official, sealed documents can be submitted in person, mailed to

San Antonio College
Admissions & Records
1819 N. Main Ave.
San Antonio, Texas

or sent electronically from your previous institution.

STEP 3: Log in to your ACES student account

Visit to access your ACES account. Click "Get My ACES Username" and follow the instructions for the default password to log in for the first time. Contact the help desk at 210-486-0777, option 7 for assistance.

  • Activate Your Navigate Checklist
    Click "Start Here" tab, then "Navigate" to access your personalized enrollment checklist.
STEP 4: Complete all of the necessary modules on your ACES account

Click on your ACES "Start Here" tab to complete the Go FAAR module. For technical assistance with the modules, contact the help desk at 210-486-0777, option 7.

STEP 5: Submit proof of your Bacterial Meningitis vaccine, if applicable

Submit proof of Bacterial Meningitis vaccination, during the five-year period prior to enrollment.

STEP 6: Visit with an advisor

Transient (visiting) students are able to meet with advisors through in-person and virtual (Zoom) drop-ins only.

STEP 7: Remember to pay your bill on time or your classes will be dropped

Make tuition payments with cash in person at the Business Office (FAC 201) or with a credit card online via your ACES account. Pay in full or set up an installment plan before the deadlines to avoid being dropped.

Contact Us

Student Services
Enrollment / Admissions
Financial Aid
Residency & Records
Student I.D. Center
Business Office

Hours of Operation
Monday: 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Tuesday: 8:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Wednesday: 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Thursday: 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Friday: 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

First Saturday of the Month: 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.


Fletcher Administration Building (FAB)
1819 N Main Ave
San Antonio, TX 78212

Phone: (210) 212-5266
Campus Map